I am delivering a mummy berry disease forecast again in 2012. Please keep in mind that Tim Strong is my co-operator on this project and recommendations will be based on weather data collected on his farm on Brooklyn Street here in Kings County. It should be fairly accurate for other growers in Kings County but will be a guide only for growers west, south, and east of his location. To review the disease, its symptoms, and life cycle, please examine the factsheet at AgraPoint’s website titled “Mummy Berry Disease in Highbush Blueberry”.
The important thing to remember about the disease is that you need three things for infection to occur – inoculum, susceptible bud development stage, and suitable weather conditions. At this time we do not have inoculum or susceptible bud development stage so there is no need to spray for the disease. However, we are getting close as early pinheads have been observed at Tim’s and with the warm temperatures this week buds are fast approaching the susceptible development stage. Growers should be prepared to spray early next week depending on weather conditions.