Based on data collected from our weather station in Lakeville, Nova Scotia there was an infection period between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. Leaves remained wet for approximately 9 hours at an average temperature of 12 degrees. Below is an infection severity chart, which shows the risk of infection occuring at different temperatures and wetness durations. As temperature increases the wetness duration required for infection decreases, which increases the risk of infection.
If you were unable to get a spray on before the infection period, consider applying a fungicide with back action on monilinia within the next few days. The length of back action will be different depending on the fungicide so always read the label before application. These recommendations are based off of observations taken from the Annapolis Valley, and the decision to spray a field should be made based off of conditions and observations taken from that particular field.
There will be another blog later this week giving an update on bud stage and spore cup development. For more information on management of mummy berry in highbush blueberries please refer to Perennia's Highbush Blueberry Insect & Disease Management Schedule 2017 and Management of Mummy Berry Disease in Highbush Blueberry.