Mummy Berry Forecast Post #2– April 22th, 2022

Friday, April 22, 2022

Floral bud counts on April 22, 2022 from the Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia.

Early variety with 10% buds at F2 stage (Figure 1). 

Figure 1: Buds of early varieties at top of branches are open at the F2 stage

Whereas, buds of Burlington and Duke still largely have not advanced to the F2 stage of maturity.  

Some of the apothecia are mature and can release ascospores (Figures 3 and 4).


Figures 3,4: Development of the Apothecia: some apothecia in Figure 4 are flat and capable of ascospore release

The weather is expected to be cool over the weekend, which will slow bud development.  If there is rain next week I would expect there to be a good chance for infection next week, on early varieties.  

If you are below 40% at the F2 stage, it is too early to spray!

In preparation for an infection period, make sure you have product on-hand.

As a reminder, these recommendations are based on conditions observed in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia and may not be applicable to your location. Infection periods only occur when bud development has reached the F2 stage, monilinia apothecial cups are present, and temperature and moisture levels are ideal.