Mummy Berry Forecast Post #6– May 19th, 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022

All apothecia were dried up when checked this morning, at the Monilinia monitoring sites I use in the Berwick-Aylesford area.   I believe we are past the window for Monilinia primary  infection for most highbush blueberry production areas in Nova Scotia.  Most growers  got through the season with applying 2 well timed sprays for the control of Monilinia Blight.  Some early varieties, would have received three sprays, as their infection window is slightly longer than other varieties and their development is slowed by cooler weather.

It is important for growers to monitor for infections in order to evaluate their Monilinia spray program so that they can make better decisions on application timing and products in the coming years.   If primary infection has occurred, shoot, leaf and bloom blight will show up early bloom, which may be as early as next week on some varieties.      

These blighted tissues will produce conidia which can be moved to the flower by wind, rain splash and pollinators. Once this secondary infection takes place Mummified fruit will develop and drop to the ground near harvest and carry inoculum for the disease into the next year.  

This second phase of the disease is next to impossible to control, so well timed fungicide applications are necessary to control the primary infections.

I believe, I have a site that will show the second phase of the disease development and will try and update the blog with symptoms as the disease develops. By being able to recognize infections and gauge disease pressure we will be better prepared for spring 2023.

Special thanks to Jeff Franklin of AAFC for compiling the data for the tables above.