Monilinia Blight Forecast Post #9 May 17th

Friday, May 17, 2024

The weather forecast has changed drastically for Saturday going into Sunday with warm temperatures and rain.   For sites with active apothecia this will represent a significant risk of infection and growers should keep an eye on this system.  

If growers have not sprayed in the last week, with a product covering Monilinia they should do so either before the rain event or use a product containing a group 3 directly afterwards.  

Growers may want to chose a product with a broader range of activity at this time to cover Botrytis and Anthracnose as well as Monilinia Bligh such as Miravis Neo or Propulse.  

On a positive note a little soil moisture is very welcome, as we head into bloom, as adequate soil moisture can aid in pollination.  If this rain event does not occur growers should make sure they are on top of their irrigation though bloom in order to help with pollination.