Some varieties did not advance a great deal through the week while others have, therefore it is very important to check your own plantings during this wet weather in order to correctly time spray applications for Monilinia blight control.
Early varieties this
morning were at 62% F2 stage, Duke/Bluegold/Draper were at 28-36% while
Burlington 18% at the F2 stage. As a
reminder, these observations are based on plantings in the Berwick- Aylesford
area on the valley floor.
Looking at the weather forecast for the weekend and next week, there
will be a reprieve from the wet weather late Sunday and Monday. Varieties
that have not been sprayed but reached the 40% (or greater) F2 stage should be
sprayed with a group 3. You will be relying on the product's post
infection activity to control infections that may have taken place over the
last few days. The fungicide will then give about 10 days
protection going ahead through the next rain events (which according to the
forecast may occur Tuesday-Thursday next week).
Varieties which were sprayed this past Tuesday may also need to be
re-sprayed next week if there is a forecast of extended wet
Applications for Mummy berry/Monilinia
control should be timed when blueberry buds are at least at 40% F2 stage
and before the next forecasted wet period.
For product selection please refer to
this table: Clickhere
Rain interval for most of these
products is one hour or when dry.