Early emerged apothecia were still active when checked this morning and there has been many more that have emerged over the last week. I have not noted any that have passed maturity up to this point.
Early varieties continued to advance well this week, while later varieties
buds are still quite tight.
Early varieties this morning were at 85% F2 stage and very
advanced, Duke/Bluegold were around 76% while Burlington and Draper 26% at
the F2 stage. As a reminder, these
observations are based on plantings in the Berwick- Aylesford area on the
valley floor.
If varieties achieved 40% F2 stage this week but have not been sprayed,
they should be strayed right away given the potential infection period which occurred
over Wednesday night and into Thursday morning. These need to be
sprayed within the 72 hour potential infection even.
Very early varieties that have been previously sprayed for Monilinia
blight are approaching the end of their window of protection and may need to be
resprayed, if wet weather is forecast.
Applications for Mummy berry/Monilinia
control should be timed when blueberry buds are at least at 40% F2 stage and before the
next forecasted wet period.
For product selection please refer to
this table: Clickhere
Rain interval for most of these
products is one hour or when dry.