Mummy Berry Forecast Post #3 – April 29th, 2023

Saturday, April 29, 2023


Emerged apothecia were found this morning at one of our mummy berry/Monilinia sites.  There was another report of an apothecia last night from else where in the valley.  All of these were at a stage of releasing spores.   

Given the stage of the crop and the weather forecast for next week, there is significant potential for infection on all varieties that have reached the 40% F2 stage.  At the two sites I looked at this morning these were early to mid-season varieties.      .  

Looking at the forecast if application does not occur before the rain event on Monday,  growers should take advantage of the short window on Tuesday, and apply product containing propiconoazole (Pivot, Bumper, Tilt, Princeton, Fitness etc) taking advantage of the post infection activity.  The folly in this statement is that we are looking at this forecast three days in advance and we may not get a dry period on Tuesday to spray or the wind could be too strong.  

Hoping the weatherman is in correct, I'll keep you posted next week as we try and navigate these showers.